Recently I completed both American McGee’s Alice, one from my backlog, and Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, a 2015 release. I’ve posted “Thoughts On” features for both of them, which I will do for each game I complete or reach near the end of.
Currently I’m playing The Witcher 3 still, with a plan to soon
finish the main quest; also Alice:
Madness Returns and Donkey Kong
Country: Tropical Freeze. The latter I just started today, and I’ve really
enjoyed it. I also played through the main mission of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. I plan on getting to MGSV: The Phantom Pain early next year.
Later this week I want to purchase Super Mario Maker. It sounds great and I
want to dig into it before 2015 slips away. I recently purchased Grim Fandango Remastered, which I plan
to get into later this week as well. I gave up on Hotline Miami as it got ridiculous in difficulty (this is more
against me than the game. I think it’s a great game, I just started getting
burned). Otherwise I’ve got Mass Effect 3
on tap.
My forecast for next year includes
the following. I list them in terms of my interest and anticipation:
Wii U
of the Tomb Raider
Come: Deliverance
Edge 2
I don’t list X-COM 2 as I haven’t played enough of the X-COM games, old or recent, to get psyched. But I will get to them!
I think Dishonored 2 has the chance to be another great “closest thing you’ll
get to a solid new Thief game and
what BioShock should have been”
experience, like its predecessor (which is my top game of 2012). But Zelda Wii U is my top anticipated for
2016. It has the potential to be phenomenal, especially given what a
masterpiece Zelda: A Link Between Worlds was
(that was my top game of 2013).
2015 was a great year for games, and
2016 will be too. This is great as 2014 was mostly dry for me, but dang if I
don’t have a lot of catching up to do!